Master Detail App – with or without Storyboard

I’ve created two projects to demonstrate the navigation techniques I described in my previous post. If I am creating a new project and I do not have to support previous versions of iOS, then I would definitely use storyboarding. It makes navigation so much easier and consistent. If you have not come across it, I would recommend iPad and iPhone Application Development by Paul Hegarty from Stanford University in iTuneU. It is interesting, informative, educational and most importantly free. 🙂

Back to the projects. The main things I was trying to demonstrate in those projects were navigation techniques. So some of the things in those projects may not pass the quality check for production code. Please turn a blind eye on those things and I hope there is something useful for you in those projects. 

The projects demonstrate (one using storyboard and one not):

  1. loading a new master page from the current master page
  2. loading a new detail page from the current master page
  3. loading a new detail page form the current detail page

The trigger for loading a new detail page from the current detail page is a single tap (forward) and two finger tap (backward). More detailed description of how it works is available in the previous post. 

Here are the links to the projects on github.


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3 thoughts on “Master Detail App – with or without Storyboard

  1. mini says:

    Thanks for this ,I’ve been looking for this solution for about a month now , every time I come across with an example which was done using nib’s not storyboards .In the end I decided not to use storyboards . But luckily I came across this accidentally today , II still can use this for other future projects . Thanks again for this.

  2. Davide says:

    You are great, it works well!
    I have master-detail app with 3 tabbar in masterview (tableview of course), i wasn’t able to load many different detailviewcontroller in the detailview correspponding on selected row. Now i got it!. In order to pay my karma, when i finish my app i would like to make tutorial.

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